Number 1

The concrete and the clay beneath my feet begins to crumble but love will never die. Unit 4 plus 2, 1965.  Does anyone remember this?

How many of us feel the ground beneath our feet has begun to crumble?  What seemed certain a few weeks ago is no longer sure ground.  Uncertainty is now the new norm from will my favourite café or pub still be there to how many of my family will survive the next few weeks?  What is the solid ground I can now stand on? Will I be able to pay my bills and feed the family to as my son in law asked, ‘will Liverpool be cheated of the Premier League title?’

Some of us have been plunged into frantic activity, if we are an NHS professional or in the new buzz phrase ,a key worker.  Others into enforced inactivity with self imposed lock down for the greater good.

Whichever we are now is a good time, to take time, to think about the ground we stand on, whether we have become a headless chicken or socially distanced.  I have decided to think about a psalm a day on top of my usual bible study starting with Psalm 1 because it sets out ground that does not crumble.

It says, ‘Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night.’v2  King David only had the Old Testament law, we are so much more fortunate, we have the whole bible including the accounts of Jesus life.  For David, God’s word was the solid ground to build a life on and he described such a life as, ‘like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season.’v3So that’s the solid ground I am going to stand on while all else may crumble away.

Geoff Williams

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