Newsletter & Prayer diary

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Abbotsham Baptist Sunday Newsletter – 07.07.2024

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

Sunday Service – 10.30 am

Title – God’s salvation plan 6 – Confidence

Bible reading – Romans 8: 28-39


Sunday 7th July – We welcome Terry and Renee Dover to a shared lunch after the morning service.

They will join us in the service and afterwards share some of their stories during the bring and share lunch.

Wings South West Charity’s Annual General Meeting
Monday, 15 July 2024, at 5pm at the Wings Hall, Lower Meddon Street, Bideford, EX39 2BJ

r phone and leave a message on 01237 472000. 

Wings Prayer Requests

We ask for your prayers for our students who have come to the end of their time with us in July. Some have been with us for just a year while others have been with us for longer. As they enter the adult world and go on to employment or further education we pray for peace, guidance and protection over them all in this next phase of life.

We ask for continued prayers for our Academy to help its growth so we can help guide our pre-16s back into education, and help them in whatever stage of life they find themselves in at present.

 As our Unity group continues to grow, we ask for our Father’s protection over new and existing members while they adjust to each other and settle in.

We ask for prayers for the members of the Ukrainian Hub who are gaining employment, that they may be settled and enjoy their new careers, as well as protection over those who are leaving us to return to the Ukraine.

Thank you for your continued support and God Bless.

A prayer following the UK general election

Tearfund posted this prayer on X (twitter). It is a prayer we can all pray as the new government sets itself up and other parties reorganise.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the opportunity to vote, to hold leaders accountable, and to express our values. Grant us wisdom and grace in this process.

Bless the candidates in this election. Fill their hearts with compassion, a desire to for justice, and the will to serve people living in poverty.

Thank you for the UK, our freedoms, and peace. Uphold goodness and truth, and help us bless others.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer diary – Week beginning – 07.07.2024

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” 2 Corinthians 5:17


BMS Former missionaries: At last year’s gathering of the Former Missionaries Association (FMA), it was pointed out to the Prayer Guide Editor that once upon a time, the Guide featured a section of prayers for former missionaries. A year later, almost to the day, these prayers are a response to that feedback – and a reminder that one never ceases to be a missionary for Jesus, no matter where God places you.

Household of the day


Abbotsham Baptist: Pray that God’s promised hope of full salvation will give us strength to run the race of life. BMS Former missionaries: Every person who has served for BMS World Mission in a mission capacity is eligible for membership of the FMA. Please pray that this message reaches those people so that the fellowship can continue to thrive.

Jean & Michael


BMS Former missionaries: Linda King serves sacrificially in her role
as FMA Secretary, one of a number of her commitments to BMS and to Baptist life in the UK. Please lift Linda up in prayer as she navigates all these commitments. Wings: Pray for the students who leave Wings this summer and for their future employment and well-being.



Abbotsham Baptist: Please pray for those in the fellowship who are suffering from long term illness, who are regularly in pain and experiencing worry or grieving. BMS Former missionaries: The FMA Reunion begins today at the King’s Park Conference Centre in Moulton, Northamptonshire. Please pray that all attendees arrive safely and that the next three days are a time of deep connection and communion.



BMS Former missionaries: Ruth Montacute (D R Congo, 1972-1992) devotes so much time to maintaining pastoral contact with former missionaries. Pray for Ruth, and for her incredible energy levels to continue. Wings: Pray for the Academy as it seeks to guide pre-16 students back into education



BMS Former missionaries: Rev Lisa Kerry from the Central Baptist Association joins the reunion today to lead a service of Communion. Pray this will be a time of great blessing. Wings: Pray for Unity, that they will bond together and know God’s protection.

Heather & Geoff


BMS Former missionaries: Lift up the mission workers who came to the end of their service with BMS in the last year. God, you know your calling for the next chapters in their lives; may they know it too. Wings: Pray for the Ukranian Hub as members gain employment and settle into sustainable lives. Pray also for the families they have left behind in the midst of war.



BMS Former missionaries: There are many more members of the FMA who don’t make the reunion than who do. Lord, you know them all by name, and we pray for them safe in that knowledge. Abbotsham Baptist: Pray that we will be blessed with fresh understanding as we start a new series on 1 Samuel.

Jim & Claire