5 a day of Christian living

James 4:11-5:19

Christian living can seem straight forward when we are gathered for worship but now as restrictions are lifting on what we do in everyday life and we meet more and more people, how do we live out the grace God has showered upon us? What should be our daily diet of Christian life in a world that lives by other priorities.

Day 5

5:13-19 Prayerful empathy.

In any one day we may meet with those who are celebrating a promotion, a child, a gift, a healing, the sunny weather, a friendship or good news. Just a few moments later we may then be in conversation with those experiencing great hardship, have received tragic news or are suffering chronic pain. How are we to react? Should we feel guilty when praising if we know others are in trouble? James’ answer is to respond with prayerful empathy. Rejoice and praise with those who can do so. v13 Pray for, sympathise with and support those who are suffering. v 15 There is no conflict, with each one you will be joining in with their walk with Christ. Remember that whatever the temporary position we find ourselves in it is our permanent relationship with the Lord that is of overriding importance. The harmony of shared confession and intercessions leads to an effective Christian life. vv 17-18 Wherever we see a fellow believer and are able to lovingly help them back to a living faith then this brings great blessing. vv 19-20

5 a day of Christian living

James 4:11-5:19

Christian living can seem straight forward when we are gathered for worship but now as restrictions are lifting on what we do in everyday life and we meet more and more people, how do we live out the grace God has showered upon us? What should be our daily diet of Christian life in a world that lives by other priorities.

Day 4

5:7-12 Patience in waiting for the Lord.

As we wait for the promised return of Jesus we are to be informed by his creation, and the example of previous saints’ perseverance. For those of us who plant seeds for food or pleasure we have learnt you can help a plant to grow but you have to exercise patience before you benefit from the harvest. Today I feel growing impatience to dig my first early potatoes and pick the sweetening gooseberries. So it is with the work of the Spirit whether that is in gospel outreach, the spiritual growth of fellow believers or the coming justice of Christ’s return. Vv 7-9 Whilst we wait for the Lord to come we need to learn patience and joy even when our faith and declaration of the gospel brings suffering. At those times we join the multitudes of faithful disciples who have gone before us. But we will receive both compassion and mercy because the Lord is true to his character. vv 10-11 Whilst we wait we are to be open, straightforward and honest in all we do and say because we have confidence in his return. v12

5 a day of Christian living

James 4:11-5:19

Christian living can seem straight forward when we are gathered for worship but now as restrictions are lifting on what we do in everyday life and we meet more and more people, how do we live out the grace God has showered upon us? What should be our daily diet of Christian life in a world that lives by other priorities.

Day 3

5:1-6 – Merciful use of wealth.

It is important to remember that James was writing to the church and in this passage to those members who were wealthy. The underlying principle is that Jesus who is the source of all things gave up everything to be merciful to the undeserving and those who had rejected him. If that is his perspective we should very carefully choose how we apply our money, status and power day by day. Hoarding wealth is futile and self corrosive and leads us into a path of sin. vv1-3 If an employer or investor ensure we are not deliberately or unwittingly oppressing others. v4 We should find our joy and fulfillment in the Lord not the temporary gratifications of luxury and self indulgence. vv 5-6